S01. #09. Auguste Mariette, an Adventurer-Egyptologist

Auguste Mariette was a 19th-century Egyptologist-adventurer from France who is considered one of the Fathers of Egyptology, so that gives you an idea of the pivotal role he played in this science. But somehow, history seems to have forgotten him.
And if you’d never heard of him before, you will see that you probably already know this colorful Egyptologist without realizing it – through his discoveries and an opera that has survived the centuries.

Conception, production and presentation:
Amandine Marshall, Egyptologist and director of NefertiTube
Original soundtrack: Anastasia Lihnka
English translation: Debbie Lim
Editing of the movie: Sasha Foìnix
Sound mixing: Phil Henrion
Movie making, sound and image: Lucas Puché & Nicolas Brune
Opening titles: Julie Gardelle
Drawing: EVa Berger
Graphic designer: Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie

With the precious collaboration of the École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs de Paris

Photo credit:
© Amandine Marshall, François Gourdon, Daniel Berrubé, he Public Library of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Museum of Boulogne-sur-Mer (« Portrait de Mariette » – Dévéria T., inv. 2010.0.1 © Photographic Service of the town of Boulogne sur mer and « Portrait d’Auguste Mariette » – Buret F. inv. 259.R13 © Photographic Service of the town of Boulogne sur mer/Stéphane Delpierre), image from « La nécropole de Saqqarah, aux origines de l’Egypte antique » (National Geographic) and Wikipedia

Musical credit:
© Classical Music Only

I would like to thank my friends François Gourdon and Daniel Berrubé, as well as the Public Library and the Museum of Boulogne-sur-Mer for their precious iconographic contribution

© ToutankaTube 2023

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